A little bit about the SO CAL AMO Chapter.....
Mark Fletcher is an automotive historian who writes coffee table books. Having grown up with AMC’s in the family, Mark has many fond memories of the AMX’s, Javelins and station wagons his parents and brothers shared with him. The three brothers currently have over a dozen AMC’s. Mark used to be the AMO Concours Chairman for several years. Mark prefers low mileage original cars and is currently working on a new book about the AMX/3. Mark is currently Vice President of the So Cal AMC chapter of AMO.
Stan Kelly is a long time AMC’er who lives in Southern California and has 50 cars. Some of the favorite cars in his collection include a Rebel Machine, 1968 AMX, about a dozen Marlins, several Ambassadors and Americans as well as heritage vehicles, including 1927 Nash 236 Roadster, 1912 Hudson model 33 touring, 1898 Rambler bicycle, Eagles, Concords, Gremlin, and a cool 1990 Jeep pickup. Having retired from a career in high tech, Stan enjoys putting on local car shows. Stan’s vehicles span 90 years of Rambler AMC history. One of Stan’s Marlins has been featured on Jay Leno’s Garage. Stan’s first car was a 1965 Marlin that he still owns today, with over 300,000 miles.
Jerry Le Mon is 85 years young and the original owner of a 1968 AMX 343, automatic, Matador Red, A/C, Power Disc Brakes, P/S, 3.15 rear axle ratio and Magnum 500 wheels. California license plate “AM68AMX”. Jerry saw an ad in a magazine in January 1968, ordered his car in March of 1968 and it arrived on May 17, 1968, to Holiday Rambler in Long Beach, California. Price $4,200.+ Jerry worked in aerospace, on the Apollo, Space Shuttle and B1A Lancer. Advancing from Senior Tech to Engineer and later Management. Jerry worked for Rockwell and later Hughes. Driving his AMX makes Jerry feel young again!
Two years ago, Steve Lucas and his wife Gayle, purchased this 1969 AMX from a long time owner of 47 years. The original 343 V8 had never been out of the car or had the intake off. With 119,000 miles, Steve has another rebuilt 343 he is getting ready to replace it with. The car door tag shows, it is wearing the correct Matador red paint. Since there were no stripes, Steve decided to put white Go Pack stripes on it. The two seater also sports, Magnum 500 wheels, automatic transmission, tilt steering wheel, power steering and power disc brakes. Thankfully, Steve has an impressive shop with a lift, behind his home in Apple Valley, California. Steve is an auto shop instructor as well as a Regional Manager for the State SMOG Referee.

Tom Dulaney has been an AMC hobbyist since the 1980’s. Growing up an hour south-west of Kenosha and then moving to California at the age of 19. Tom drag raced his first AMX at the now closed Carlsbad Raceway in San Diego in 1986. Tom has been enjoying AMX’s, Javelins as well as Gremlins and Hornets along the way. In 2007 Tom Purchased the AMX/3 display body that was at the 1970 Chicago and New York auto shows. Believing that there were not enough of these cars made, Tom is attempting to tool up replica car production, to create more. Four replica bodies are now in different hands and at various stages of construction with different chassis, in three countries. Tom is currently the President of the So Cal AMC chapter of AMO.SoCalAMC.org

The SoCalAMC Chapter of AMO hosts monthly Zoom meetings online that are open to all AMC’ers around the world. We meet on the first Sunday of each month at 7:00pm (PST). To join the fun, E-Mail Friends@SoCalAMC.org for a free Zoom link. We get together for several local car shows and enjoy supporting the Cactus Cruisers in Arizona as well as the Nevada AMC’ers.